It has often been said that sport can be dangerous but that danger and risk is normally taken by those participating. This collection of sports videos see the natural world and animal kingdom in great peril.

Whilst we shouldn't laugh at these videos because of their consequences sometimes it is hard not to see a funny side.


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Out for a duck

Actually not a duck but a pigeon. This pigeon must have wished it had ducked though then it would have avoided the cricket ball being hurled in from the boundary by Yorkshire's Jacques Rudolph.

Hold out for the replays at the end when you can see just how accurate the throw was.



Randy Johnson kills bird

Apart from the comical name of 'Randy', this video is funny because it is almost unbelievable.

Baseball pitcher Randy Johnson pitches the ball with so much force it appears to vapourise the bird. Incredible video.




Ever seen a kangaroo fly?

We've often seen kangaroos jumping along but once a kangaroo gets hit by a rally car it appears to jump a hell of a lot further.

This poor kangaroo sadly made an error when it jumped on to the racetrack and was sent flying instead.



Look out you stupid cow

Well arguably the cow's not stupid as it went along its daily business eating grass, grazing, emitting methane into the atmosphere and waiting for drunkards to push it over at night while it sleeps.

The cow could have hardly expected a rally car to hurtle round the corner and put it into orbit. We guess the drivers had steak for tea that night.



What's up doc?

If the rabbit had survived this he may well ask that question. However, this rabbit had no chance of surviving an impact with this racecar.

This rabbit literally did get caught in the headlights.

Appearing in a tin of cat food near you....



Another poor cow

Another cow minds its own business until a rally car comes along.

This cow doesn't seem to mind though and actually looks quite curious at what is heading straight for it. Maybe it should have pondered getting out the way.




Deer, Oh dear!

It's not just cows, rabbits and kangaroos that roam in front of high speed vehicles but deer too.

And with the same dire consequences.




Deer, Oh dear 2!

Another deer gets hit by a rally car and another bad deer pun.

This particular deer flies off so fast it looks like it is going to challenge the kangaroo in a flying contest.




Fed up with cleaning bugs and flies off your windscreen?

Well at least it's not a bird splattered across it. Try cleaning this mess up!





How was your round dear? Get any birdies?

Well, funny you should ask actually.

Birdie, eagle and albatross are all names you would expect to hear in connection with a round of golf.

This is shooting a birdie of another type though - we presume this golfer is rubbish and unlucky rather than vindictive and accurate.

You decide.......




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